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Little Fish’s camps are specialized, highly engaging experiences designed specifically for teens and pre-teens!

Our next camps to be held are: 

  • Kidz Comic Camps

    • 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025

    • 06/08/2025 - 06/13/2025

    • 06/16/2025 - 06/18/2025

    • 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025

    • 06/30/2025 - 07/02/2025

    • 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025

    • 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025

    • 07/28/2025 - 08/01/2025

    • 08/04/2025 - 08/08/2025

  • Teenz Comic Camps

    • 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025

    • 06/16/2025 - 06/18/2025

    • 06/30/2025 - 07/02/2025

    • 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025

    • 08/04/2025 - 08/08/2025

  • Comic Con Artist Intensive

    • 07/21/2025 - 07/27/2025​

  • Comic Industry Intensive

    • 07/28/2025 - 08/01/2025​

Applications can be returned in-person, by mail, email, or you can fill out the online Google Form HERE. Contact us if you have any questions.

The first day of Kidz camp, the students learn the about the most basic form of comic book storytelling: the panels.

The new Little Fish Studio on El Cajon Blvd is home to an impressive collection of essential comic reading. Check out the library page for catalogue highlights!

Summer Camp 2025 Sessions!

Sign up by physical form or the online Google Form HERE!


Kidz Comic Camps

Ages: 7-11

Session 1: 06/02/25 - 06/06/25, 9am-3pm (9 Spots Left)

Session 2: 06/09/25 - 06/13/25, 9am-3pm (30 Spots Left)

Session 3: 06/16/25 - 06/18/25, (3-Day Camp), 9am-3pm (14 Spots Left)

Session 4: 06/23/25 - 06/27/25, 9am-3pm (25 Spots Left)*

Session 5: 06/30/25 - 07/02/25, (3-Day Camp), 9am-3pm (11 Spots Left)

Session 6: 07/07/25 - 07/11/25, 9am-3pm (26 Spots Left)

Session 7: 07/14/25 - 07/18/25, 9am-3pm (11 Spots Left)

Session 8: 07/28/25 - 08/01/25, 9am-3pm (22 Spots Left)

Session 9: 08/04/25 - 08/08/25, 9am-3pm (13 Spots Left)

Prices: $310 for one session ($280 if early registered by March 31st)

*3 day camp, price reduced ($240/$210 if early registration)


Students will explore fun and creativity through the process of developing characters and comics, from initial idea to completed page. They can look forward to penciling, inking, and coloring their own comic page. Materials are included in this camp’s cost. At the end of one week, each child will have a comic story all their own!


Teenz Comic Camps

Ages: 12-17

Session 1: 06/02/25 - 06/06/25, 9am-3pm (13 Spots Left)

Session 2: 06/16/25 - 06/18/25, (3-Day Camp), 9am-3pm (13 Spots Left)*

Session 3: 06/30/25 - 07/02/25, (3-Day Camp), 9am-3pm (12 Spots Left)*

Session 4: 07/14/25 - 07/18/25, 9am-3pm (5 Spots Left)

Session 5: 08/04/25 - 08/08/25, 9am-3pm (14 Spots Left)

Prices: $310 for one session ($280 if early registered by March 31st)

*3 day camp, price reduced ($240/$210 if early registration)

Students will explore the process of creating characters and comics, from initial idea to completed page. Have fun with penciling, inking and coloring your own comic page. Little Fish is a fun, imaginative environment where all comic ideas are encouraged and nurtured to fruition. Includes historical context and introductory lectures. Materials included in cost. At the end of one week each child will have a 2-3 page comic story all their own!



Comic Con Artist Intensive*

Ages: 14+

Dates: July 21st - July 27th, 2025; 9am-4pm (3 Spots Left)
Price: $630 for the session ($595 if early registered by March 31st)

Every year San Diego hosts the world's largest comic and pop culture convention, San Diego Comic Con International. In this intensive, Little Fish and campers will be onsite at the convention. A fantastic curriculum is planned for this special and rare excursion, integrating a curated attendance of selected Comic-Con panels, portfolio reviews, and interviews and meets with comic professionals!


Little Fish will be teaming with legendary comic creators, designed to coincide with this dynamic, once-a-year event! Dedicated students and artists will create their own unique projects with hands-on help and guidance from Little Fish Comic Book Studio.

(*NOTE: Must email a portfolio of work with application! Five pieces of work, three of which are comic/manga sequential pages!)

Little Fish Comic Industry Intensive

Ages: 10+

Dates: July 28th - August 1st, 2025; 9am-4pm (10 Spots Left)
Price: $385 for the session ($350 if early registered by March 31st)

This unique camp will focus on exploring the comic industry and San Diego's unique place in it! We'll be making comic pages and stories and learning techniques in penciling, inking and writing! We'll then explore connections between student art and the community by visiting the San Diego State University's Pop Culture Library, Now Or Never Comics, local art stores and other comic-based locations! Figure drawing, demos and tours will supplement an already awesome experience!

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©2019. Website design by Katherine Courtney. Little Fish Comic Book Studio. All rights reserved.

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